
Straight White Teeth in Nashville (House Show)
Message straightwhiteteethmusic@gmail.com for details.

Straight White Teeth at the Rambling House in Columbus, Ohio
w/ xxThread and J. Moriarty

Straight White Teeth at Lekko Coffee in Cleveland, Ohio
$10 suggested donation, all ages. MUAAHHHHHHHHHHH!
Straight White Teeth a Fear and Loathing Philly
So excited to play Philly again. More details soon.
Straight White Teeth at the Bowery Electric Map Room in New York City
Straight White Teeth plays the Bowery Electric Map Room in New York City on 4/19/23. More details soon

Straight White Teeth supporting John R. Miller at the Aggie Theater in Fort Collins, Colorado
Excited to be back in Colorado for this one. Purchase tickets here

Straight White Teeth @ Manor Records
Excited to play lots of new music for this Manor Records Songbird Session.

Straight White Teeth at the Kansas City Museum
Straight White Teeth will perform a special set at the Sunderland Foundation Living Room in the Kansas City Museum. Space is limited, purchase tickets here.

Straight White Teeth in New York City
Straight White Teeth plays the wonderful Rockwood Music Hall in New York City on October 30th at 5:00 PM.
Straight White Teeth at the Replay Lounge in Lawrence, Kansas w/ Heidi Gluck and Blanky
Straight White Teeth will headline the Replay Lounge and perform new songs from the upcoming EP In Winter

Straight White Teeth in Denver at Lost Lake with Lines of Drift and Night Moves
Thrilled to play my first live show since the pandemic in my beloved hometown of Denver at one of the city’s best small venues. I have more new music than you could shake one or possibly two sticks at, so please don’t miss this special night of music featuring Lines of Drift and Night Moves. Purchase tickets here.